There are a few modifications suggested to be made to make ROS more effective.
The IFC6410 has 4 GB of disk space but after all the various required system directories the filesystem is effectively only has 2GB available for the root filesystem.
To make more space available it is suggested to use a MicroSD card to expand available disk space.
There are instructions for putting the whole OS on the SD card, however those instructions have not been shown to be effective and have been discouraged on forums.
Put a >4GB SD card into the board formatted as ext4.
We will wand the microSD card to be mounted in /opt to enable the installation of many ROS packages from debian packages.
Run the following command to add a line to /etc/fstab
echo "/dev/mmcblk1p1 /opt ext4 defaults" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
This assumes that you have formatted the microSD card as a single partition.
Reboot to make sure it's all installed
Make /opt browsable.
sudo chmod o+x /opt
Install rsync:
sudo apt-get install rsync
Copy var into /opt
sudo rsync -aP /var /opt/
Set up the mount point by adding the following to /etc/fstab
echo "/opt/var /var none bind" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
Remove the old data
sudo rm -rf /var/*
Now mount the directory in the new location
sudo mount /var
Copy home into /opt
sudo rsync -aP /home /opt/
Set up the mount point by adding the following to /etc/fstab
echo "/opt/home /home none bind" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
Remove the old data
sudo rm -rf /home/*
Now mount the directory in the new location
sudo mount /home
If you're in the user directory. It will have moved underneath you. This will avoid cwd issues.
cd .
WARNING: This will require a immediate reboot, the computer will become non-operational until rebooted when /usr is moved below.
Copy /usr into /opt
sudo rsync -aP /usr /opt/
Create the new mount point
echo "/opt/usr /usr none bind" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
Move the current /usr directory to a new location so we can clean it up later.
sudo mv /usr /usr.bak
With usr moved from its usual place your installation will not operate. You will need to hard powercycle to wait for /usr
to be remounted on reboot.
Assuming this came up lets clean up the old copy of /usr:
sudo rm -rf /usr.bak
We will also want our home directory to be on the larger disk. We will use USERNAME as the standing for your perferred username.
Create the user
sudo adduser USERNAME
You will probably want to give your user admin access
sudo adduser USERNAME admin
This is not strictly necessary but is likely desired.
These are some tips for making the system work better.
The hardcoded ethernet settings are necessary for the developer edition, but get in the way of the full gnome version with an active network manager.
Comment out the following lines in /etc/network/interfaces
#auto eth0
#iface eth0 inet dhcp
My default ping requires sudo:
sudo chmod u+s `which ping`
In case wireless networking with NetworkManager becomes unreliable, you can just follow these instructions to configure the wireless adapter:
The turtlebot_bringup
scripts require /dev/input/js0
to be present. You can enable the joydev.ko
module adding the following line to .config
and recompiling the kernel modules:
you can also find this module under Device drivers -> Input device support -> Joystick interface in the menuconfig
Follow the instructions in the Linaro manual and type the following to build the modules (note the addition of KERNELRELEASE
to ensure the the vermagic
matches the rest of the modules shipped with BSP 1.5:
$ kmake KERNELRELEASE=3.4.0-linaro-ifc6410 all modules
You can now copy ./drivers/input/joydev.ko
to /lib/modules/3.4.0-linaro-ifc6410/kernel/drivers/input/joydev.ko
in the ifc6410